After hours maintenance policy phone number is 855-322-1003. This number should be used only in the following circumstances after 5:00pm and/or Saturdays and Sundays.
- Water leaks of any nature
- No A/C (between June 15th and September 15th)
- No Heat
- Refrigerator stops working
- Toilet stopped up (Homes with only one toilet)
- Locked out of unit (ID will be required for entry and there is a $100 charge)
- Gas Odor detected
- Flood
- Fire
- Police Called
All other requests are to be left on the voicemail at the office at 410-749-0010 ext. 5. These requests will be communicated to the maintenance staff on the morning of the next business day. During normal business hours, 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday, please call the office with ALL maintenance requests, emergency, and non-emergency.